Geoff Schultz’70

Critical to my Beloit years was an internship in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco. It was there I worked at a psychiatric halfway-house for eight months—an experience designed to show what I might do with my psychology degree. It was a life-changing experience in many ways. Unfortunately, after graduation, I had trouble finding a job—even bartending for a while in a “singles bar” in Chicago. However, it was my Beloit internship which inspired me to apply for a position as a teacher in a classroom of children with autism—a job I would hold for eight years. Eventually, I entered a doctoral program in psychology, focusing on disability studies, and putting me on a path to a 42-year academic career. I just retired from Purdue University. Without Beloit, I might still be tending bar.


Delaware, Ohio


Professor Emeritus, Purdue University Northwest

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