March 03, 2015

A letter from George H.W. Bush

One of the most notable people to visit Beloit College came in 1978: George H.W. Bush.

At the time, George H.W. Bush had just completed his tenure as director of the CIA and was about to throw his hat in the ring for the Republican nomination for U.S. president.

During a visit to campus, Bush stayed overnight at the invitation of President Martha Peterson. Later, he wrote to Peterson about his “cozy room,” the tasty food, and his positive impressions of Beloit, experienced in no small part through his stay in the historic President’s House. The following year, Barbara Bush was an overnight guest, too.

The Letter


A letter from George H.W. Bush to Beloit President Martha Peterson after a visit in 1978.


Dear Martha,

Isn’t it funny how a little contact can turn into a neat experience. I just loved my visit to Beloit (so did Karl, so did Craig). I liked it all – your staff people – not just Ann who spoiled us sick but all the professional staff; the lively press conference; the exchange with the students; my cozy bedroom; your wonderful dinner guests; those biscuits (darn you Ann); my walk; but most of all being taken in by all in such a warm way.

I like what I saw at Beloit – I loved their feeling for you.

Shishi ni, wode pengyou– wo shi hen gaoshing–


Staff Note

We believe the last line to mean:

“Thank you, my friend– I am very happy–”

谢谢你, 我的朋友– 我是很高兴–
Xièxiè nǐ, wǒ de péngyǒu– wǒ shì hěn gāoxìng–

Also In This Issue

  • What was done, and what must be done

  • Faculty Share Insights on Cuba

  • Students march to Madison in March of 1965.

    Sympathy March Marks Significant Anniversary

  • Illustration showing an exchange of ideas and language between Beloit, WI and Belize in Central America.

    This is the Liberal Arts in Practice


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